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Monday, February 3, 2014

Laxatives For Weight Loss

A lot of people on earth are trying to lose their weight and they do not choose the method for doing this. Some of them are using the laxatives in order to achieve a lower weight.

Using the laxatives in order to lose weight can harm your organism and when you re using them there a lot of bad side effects for you body. Using the laxatives you actually are loosing your water which is needed in your body. Yes, this can slightly to decrease your weight but total outfit of your body will remain same.

Taking the laxatives in order to loose the weight is pointless because as I said they are soaking up all fluids in your organism. They have not any effect on the fats which are your really weight. As you know all these fats are made by the carbohydrates. When we are eating all of these for the body necessary elements are taken regardless of that we are using the laxatives or not.

What Do Laxatives Do?

The laxatives increase the bowel activity, and with this feature, they do not allow the large intestine to absorb food where most of the food content gets absorbed. Just to list a fact, the food does not get absorbed in the small intestines. It is also known that if the laxatives are taken in large amounts for a greater period of time, they affect the absorption of the fats in the body. This leads to greasy diarrhea and this in turn results in weight loss.

Side Effects of Laxatives:
Weight loss is guaranteed by overdosing on laxatives, but the major thing that must be seen is the side effects that it causes, which is that it causes permanent damage to the GI Tract and it also causes the weakening and softening of the bones, and this is known as osteomalacia. Drinker_s tea has the most popularity since it tastes good and is less expensive than the rest of the medicines available in the market. People who are suffering from the eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia nervosa are the ones who use to achieve rapid weight loss and they use it because it works fast and produces watery stools that are loose in consistency.

These products are mostly misused and the adverse effects that these products give are mostly when they are taken in more than recommended dose. These side effects include nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting, rectal bleeding, electrolyte disorder and dehydration as well and this can lead to injury and death of the individual as well. It is also noted that the excessive use of laxatives also cause severe constipation and pain for increased periods of time, which can result ultimately in surgery and removal of the large colon.

The laxatives cannot help you to get rid of your fat or of your weight. All calories taken by the food are absorbed by the body and the aim of the laxatives is to stimulate the bowel to empty and also in order to throw out from the body all unnecessary toxics taken with the food. When the calories are taken, they are stored in the body for further use and this means additional weight. This also can mean a lack of fluids.

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