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Sunday, December 8, 2013

Foods for weight loss to put on your Grocery list

Scrambled eggs for brakefast:
Number one on the list of food for weight loss, you will find eggs. Why? This is because they are rich in protein and very tasty, and they keep you feel full for a longer time than sugar loaded Meals.Research conducted by specialists show that women suffering from obesity, eating scrambled eggs for breakfast feel less hungry throughout the day and eat less than they would usually do.

Reduce calorie intake with salads:
There are three main factors to consider about best foods for weight loss: they are satisfying, they have nutritional value, and they have low calorie count. For this reason, salads are considered some of the best options you should choose when you want to eat healthy, curb your hunger, and lose weight. Basically, you can eat as much salad as you want without getting fatter, as its calorie count is so low that you will feel full long before you could eat the equivalent in salad of a single sugary meal. In this case you will loose fat fast.

Increase your Metabolism with olive oil:
The Mediterranean diet, as people call the actual menu those living in Mediterranean countries eat on a regular basis, has many health advantages and one of its secrets is the use of olive oil with almost anything. According to research by health care professionals, olive oil has great properties that maintain people healthy and slim. Olive oil is considered a great metabolism booster, which means that you end up burning up more calories while doing the exact same thing. Especially for middle-aged people, seasoning their foods with olive oil will help them fight off extra pounds and live healthier. Because the higher the rate of metabolism the faster the rate at which you loose fat.

Fruit as the best food for weight loss:
Fruits such as pears, Fig  and apples contain fiber, which is important for having a healthy digestive tract. The healthier the body the greater the capability of maintaining a healthy weight, but this is not the only reason why fruits like the ones mentioned earlier should be included on your list of best foods for weight loss. These Fruits contain a substance called pectin, whose role is to regulate the sugar level in your blood. For this reason, if you are eating fruits between meals, you will feel less tempted to nibble on snacks that add nothing to your diet, nutritionally wise, but add plenty of pounds to your waistline.

Using Beans to suppress hunger:
One of the reason people get overweight is because the foods they eat leave them feeling hungry or, even worse, they make them feel unnaturally hungry all the time. If you are looking for a true appetite suppressor to include on your list of best foods for weight loss, consider beans. They help you feel full, and they regulate the hunger hormone production in your body. Also, they can help you decrease your cholesterol levels, making your heart healthier.

You know, calorie counting is never the way to go for long term weight loss. Restricting calories is the single worst thing you can do to lose weight.

For more information on how to loose weight fast, by eating the best food for weight loss-
Visit: The Ultimate Energy Diet

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